Mission Statement
To honour God in all we do.
To support local agencies in their work with families and individuals within our community.
To give practical care and support for our agencies clients.
To give dignity and respect to all individuals.
FEAD Programme
The FEAD programme is an EU-wide initiative to help support people take their first steps out of poverty and social exclusion. 85% of the funding comes from the EU with the balance of funding coming from the Irish Exchequer.
The Department of Social Protection is the Managing Authority for FEAD in Ireland.
Our charity benefits from food assistance. The FEAD programme provides non-perishable food via their charity partners to families and individuals in need. Food supplied consist of breakfast cereals, rice, pasta and pasta sauce, soups, canned fish, jam, tea, coffee, sugar, and canned vegetables and fruit. The food items are easy to transport and store.
Our charity also benefits from material assistance under the FEAD Programme. The programme provides school stationary kits to children who are being supported by FEAD food assistance in both national and secondary schools.